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LoadLeveler - IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler (Outdated)


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Job Submission

First of all, to submit a job to LoadLeveler a job file needs to be created. This job file can be passed to the command:

llsubmit [llsubmit_options] <job_file>

Job File Examples

Serial Batch Jobs

An example job file may look like this:

#@ job_name = my_job
#@ output = $(job_name).$(jobid).out
#@ error  = $(job_name).$(jobid).err
#@ class = short
#@ group = triton-ww | triton-ipf | triton-ism | triton-et
#@ wall_clock_limit = 00:30:00
#@ resources = ConsumableMemory(1 gb)
#@ environment = COPY_ALL
#@ notification = complete
#@ notify_user = your_email@adress
#@ queue


This example requests a serial job with a runtime of 30 minutes and a overall memory requirement of 1 GB. There are four groups available, don't forget to choose the one and only matching group. When the job completes, a mail will be sent which includes details about resource usage.

MPI Parallel Batch Jobs

An example job file may look like this:

#@ job_name = my_job
#@ output = $(job_name).$(jobid).out
#@ error  = $(job_name).$(jobid).err
#@ job_type = parallel
#@ node = 2
#@ tasks_per_node = 8
#@ class = short
#@ group = triton-ww | triton-ipf | triton-ism | triton-et
#@ wall_clock_limit = 00:30:00
#@ resources = ConsumableMemory(1 gb)
#@ environment = COPY_ALL
#@ notification = complete
#@ notify_user = your_email@adress
#@ queue

mpirun -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -np 16 ./my_mpi_program

This example requests a parallel job with 16 processes (2 nodes, 8 tasks per node), a runtime of 30 minutes, 1 GB memory requirement per task and therefore a overall memory requirement of 8 GB per node. Please keep in mind that each node on Triton only provides 45 GB. The choice of the correct group is also important and necessary. The -x option of mpirun exports the specified environment variables to all MPI processes.

  • OMP_NUM_THREADS=1: If you are using libraries like MKL, which are multithreaded, you always should set the number of threads explicitly so that the nodes are not overloaded. Otherwise you will experience heavy performance problems.
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH: If your program is linked with shared libraries (like MKL) which are not standard system libraries, you must export this variable to the MPI processes.

When the job completes, a mail will be sent which includes details about resource usage.

Before submitting MPI jobs, ensure that the appropriate MPI module is loaded, e.g issue:

# module load openmpi

Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Parallel Batch Jobs

An example job file may look like this:

#@ job_name = my_job
#@ output = $(job_name).$(jobid).out
#@ error  = $(job_name).$(jobid).err
#@ job_type = parallel
#@ node = 4
#@ tasks_per_node = 8
#@ class = short
#@ group = triton-ww | triton-ipf | triton-ism | triton-et
#@ wall_clock_limit = 00:30:00
#@ resources = ConsumableMemory(1 gb)
#@ environment = COPY_ALL
#@ notification = complete
#@ notify_user = your_email@adress
#@ queue

mpirun -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -np 4 --bynode ./my_hybrid_program

This example requests a parallel job with 32 processes (4 nodes, 8 tasks per node), a runtime of 30 minutes, 1 GB memory requirement per task and therefore a overall memory requirement of 8 GB per node. Please keep in mind that each node on Triton only provides 45 GB. The choice of the correct group is also important and necessary. The mpirun command starts 4 MPI processes (--bynode forces one process per node). OMP_NUM_THREADS is set to 8, so that 8 threads are started per MPI rank. When the job completes, a mail will be sent which includes details about resource usage.

Job File Keywords

Keyword Valid values Description
notification always, error, start, never, complete When to write notification email.
notify_user valid email address Notification email address.
output file name File for stdout of the job.
error file name File for stderr of the job.
job_type parallel, serial Job type, default is serial.
node 1 - 64 Number of nodes requested (parallel jobs only).
tasks_per_node 1 - 8 Number of processors per node requested (parallel jobs only).
class see llclass Job queue.
group triton-ww, triton-ipf, triton-ism, triton-et choose matching group
wall_clock_limit HH:MM:SS Run time limit of the job.
resources name(count) ... name(count) Specifies quantities of the consumable resources consumed by each task of a job step

Further Information: [[][Full description of keywords]].

Submit a Job without a Job File

Submission of a job without a job file can be done by the command: llsub [llsub_options] <command>

This command is not part of the IBM LoadLeveler software but was developed at ZIH.

The job file will be created in background by means of the command line options. Afterwards, the job file will be passed to the command llsubmit which submit the job to LoadLeveler (see above).

Important options are:

Option Default Description
-J <name> llsub Specifies the name of the job. You can name the job using any combination of letters, numbers, or both. The job name only appears in the long reports of the llq, llstatus, and llsummary commands.
-n 1 Specifies the total number of tasks of a parallel job you want to run on all available nodes.
-T not specified Specifies the maximum number of OpenMP threads to use per process by setting the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to number.
--o, -oo <filename> <jobname>.<hostname>.<jobid>.out Specifies the name of the file to use as standard output (stdout) when your job step runs.
-e, -oe <filename> <jobname>.<hostname>.<jobid>.err Specifies the name of the file to use as standard error (stderr) when your job step runs.
-I not specified Submits an interactive job and sends the job's standard output (or standard error) to the terminal.
-q <name> non-interactive: short interactive(n1): =interactive interactive(n>1): interactive_par Specifies the name of a job class defined locally in your cluster. You can use the llclass command to find out information on job classes.
-x not specified Puts the node running your job into exclusive execution mode. In exclusive execution mode, your job runs by itself on a node. It is dispatched only to a node with no other jobs running, and LoadLeveler does not send any other jobs to the node until the job completes.
-hosts <number> automatically Specifies the number of nodes requested by a job step. This option is equal to the bsub option -R "span\[hosts=number\]".
-ptile <number> automatically Specifies the number of nodes requested by a job step. This option is equal to the bsub option -R "span\[ptile=number\]".
-mem <size> not specified Specifies the requirement of memory which the job needs on a single node. The memory requirement is specified in MB. This option is equal to the bsub option -R "rusage\[mem=size\]".

The option -H prints the list of all available command line options.

Here is an example for an MPI Job:

llsub -T 1 -n 16 -e err.txt -o out.txt mpirun -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -np 16 ./my_program

Interactive Jobs

Interactive Jobs can be submitted by the command:

llsub -I -q <interactive> <command>

LoadLeveler Runtime Environment Variables

LoadLeveler runtime variables give you some information within the job script, for example:

#@ job_name = my_job
#@ output = $(job_name).$(jobid).out
#@ error  = $(job_name).$(jobid).err
#@ job_type = parallel
#@ node = 2
#@ tasks_per_node = 8
#@ class = short
#@ wall_clock_limit = 00:30:00
#@ resources = ConsumableMemory(1 gb)
#@ environment = COPY_ALL
#@ notification = complete
#@ notify_user = your_email@adress
#@ queue

mpirun -np 16 ./my_mpi_program

Further Information: [[][Full description of variables]].

Job Queues

The llclass command provides information about each queue. Example output:

Name                 MaxJobCPU     MaxProcCPU  Free   Max Description
                    d+hh:mm:ss     d+hh:mm:ss Slots Slots
--------------- -------------- -------------- ----- ----- ---------------------
interactive          undefined      undefined    32    32 interactive, exclusive shared nodes, max. 12h runtime
triton_ism           undefined      undefined     8    80 exclusive, serial + parallel queue, nodes shared, unlimited runtime
openend              undefined      undefined   272   384 serial + parallel queue, nodes shared, unlimited runtime
long                 undefined      undefined   272   384 serial + parallel queue, nodes shared, max. 7 days runtime
medium               undefined      undefined   272   384 serial + parallel queue, nodes shared, max. 3 days runtime
short                undefined      undefined   272   384 serial + parallel queue, nodes shared, max. 4 hours runtime

Job Monitoring

All Jobs in the Queue

# llq

All of One's Own Jobs

# llq -u username

Details About Why A Job Has Not Yet Started

# llq -s job-id

The key information is located at the end of the output, and will look similar to the following:

==================== EVALUATIONS FOR JOB STEP l1f1n01.4604.0 ====================
The class of this job step is "workq".
Total number of available initiators of this class on all machines in the cluster: 0
Minimum number of initiators of this class required by job step: 4
The number of available initiators of this class is not sufficient for this job step.
Not enough resources to start now.
Not enough resources for this step as backfill.

Or it will tell you the estimated start time:

==================== EVALUATIONS FOR JOB STEP l1f1n01.8207.0 ====================
The class of this job step is "checkpt".
Total number of available initiators of this class on all machines in the cluster: 8
Minimum number of initiators of this class required by job step: 32
The number of available initiators of this class is not sufficient for this job step.
Not enough resources to start now.
This step is top-dog.
Considered at: Fri Jul 13 12:12:04 2007
Will start by: Tue Jul 17 18:10:32 2007

Generate a long listing rather than the standard one

# llq -l job-id

This command will give you detailed job information.

Job Status States

State Short Description
Canceled CA The job has been canceled as by the llcancel command.
Completed C The job has completed.
Complete Pending CP The job is completed. Some tasks are finished.
Deferred D The job will not be assigned until a specified date. The start date may have been specified by the user in the Job Command file or it may have been set by LoadLeveler because a parallel job could not obtain enough machines to run the job.
Idle I The job is being considered to run on a machine though no machine has been selected yet.
NotQueued NQ The job is not being considered to run. A job may enter this state due to an error in the command file or because LoadLeveler can not obtain information that it needs to act on the request.
Not Run NR The job will never run because a stated dependency in the Job Command file evaluated to be false.
Pending P The job is in the process of starting on one or more machines. The request to start the job has been sent but has not yet been acknowledged.
Rejected X The job did not start because there was a mismatch or requirements for your job and the resources on the target machine or because the user does not have a valid ID on the target machine.
Reject Pending XP The job is in the process of being rejected.
Removed RM The job was canceled by either LoadLeveler or the owner of the job.
Remove Pending RP The job is in the process of being removed.
Running R The job is running.
Starting ST The job is starting.
Submission Error SX The job can not start due to a submission error. Please notify the Bluedawg administration team if you encounter this error.
System Hold S The job has been put in hold by a system administrator.
System User Hold HS Both the user and a system administrator has put the job on hold.
Terminated TX The job was terminated, presumably by means beyond LoadLeveler's control. Please notify the Bluedawg administration team if you encounter this error.
User Hold H The job has been put on hold by the owner.
Vacated V The started job did not complete. The job will be scheduled again provided that the job may be rescheduled.
Vacate Pending VP The job is in the process of vacating.

Cancel a Job

A Particular Job

# llcancel job-id

All of One's Jobs

# llcancel -u username

Job History and Usage Summaries

On each cluster, there exists a file that contains the history of all jobs run under LoadLeveler. This file is /var/loadl/archive/history.archive, and may be queried using the llsummary command.

An example of usage would be as follows:

# llsummary -u estrabd /var/loadl/archive/history.archive

And the output would look something like:

       Name   Jobs   Steps        Job Cpu    Starter Cpu     Leverage
    estrabd    118     128       07:55:57       00:00:45        634.6
      TOTAL    118     128       07:55:57       00:00:45        634.6
      Class   Jobs   Steps        Job Cpu    Starter Cpu     Leverage
    checkpt     13      23       03:09:32       00:00:18        631.8
interactive    105     105       04:46:24       00:00:26        660.9
      TOTAL    118     128       07:55:57       00:00:45        634.6
      Group   Jobs   Steps        Job Cpu    Starter Cpu     Leverage
   No_Group    118     128       07:55:57       00:00:45        634.6
      TOTAL    118     128       07:55:57       00:00:45        634.6
    Account   Jobs   Steps        Job Cpu    Starter Cpu     Leverage
       NONE    118     128       07:55:57       00:00:45        634.6
      TOTAL    118     128       07:55:57       00:00:45        634.6

The llsummary tool has a lot of options, which are discussed in its man pages.

Check status of each node

# llstatus

And the output would look something like:

root@triton[0]:~# llstatus
Name                      Schedd InQ  Act Startd Run LdAvg Idle Arch      OpSys
n01                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  2403 AMD64     Linux2
n02                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n03                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n04                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n05                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n06                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.71  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n07                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n08                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n09                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n10                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n11                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n12                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n13                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n14                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n15                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n16                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n17                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n18                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n19                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n20                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n21                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n22                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n23                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n24                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n25                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n26                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n27                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n28                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n29                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n30                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n31                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n32                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n33                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n34                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n35                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n36                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n37                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n38                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n39                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n40                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n41                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n42                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n43                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n44                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.01  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n45                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n46                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n47                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n48                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n49                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n50                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n51                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n52                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n53                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n54                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n55                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n56                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n57                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n58                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n59                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n60                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n61                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n62                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n63                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
n64                       Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00  9999 AMD64     Linux2
triton                    Avail     0   0 Idle     0 0.00   585 AMD64     Linux2

AMD64/Linux2               65 machines      0  jobs      0  running tasks
Total Machines             65 machines      0  jobs      0  running tasks

The Central Manager is defined on triton

The BACKFILL scheduler is in use

All machines on the machine_list are present.

Detailed status information for a specific node:

# llstatus -l n54

Further information: IBM Documentation (see version 3.5)