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Singularity for Power9 Architecture

Root privileges

Building Singularity containers from a recipe on ZIH system is normally not possible due to the requirement of root (administrator) rights, see Containers. For obvious reasons users cannot be granted root permissions.

The solution is to build your container on your local Linux workstation using Singularity and copy it to ZIH systems for execution.

This does not work on the cluster power as it uses the Power9 architecture which your workstation likely doesn't.

For this, we provide a Virtual Machine (VM) on the cluster power which allows users to gain root permissions in an isolated environment. The workflow to use this manually is described for virtual machines but is quite cumbersome.

To make this easier, two programs are provided: buildSingularityImage and startInVM, which do what they say. The latter is for more advanced use cases, so you should be fine using buildSingularityImage, see the following section.

SSH key without password

You need to have your default SSH key without a password for the scripts to work as entering a password through the scripts is not supported.

The recommended workflow is to create and test a definition file locally. You usually start from a base Docker container. Those typically exist for different architectures but with a common name (e.g. ubuntu:18.04). Singularity automatically uses the correct Docker container for your current architecture when building. So, in most cases, you can write your definition file, build it and test it locally, then move it to ZIH systems and build it on Power9 (cluster power) without any further changes. However, sometimes Docker containers for different architectures have different suffixes, in which case you'd need to change that when moving to ZIH systems.

Build a Singularity Container in a Job

To build a Singularity container for the Power9 architecture on ZIH systems simply run:

marie@login.power$ buildSingularityImage --arch=power9 myContainer.sif myDefinition.def

To build a singularity image on the x86-architecture, run:

marie@login.power$ buildSingularityImage --arch=x86 myContainer.sif myDefinition.def

These commands will submit a batch job and immediately return. If you want it to block while the image is built and see live output, add the option --interactive:

marie@login.power$ buildSingularityImage --arch=power9 --interactive myContainer.sif myDefinition.def

There are more options available, which can be shown by running buildSingularityImage --help. All have reasonable defaults. The most important ones are:

  • --time <time>: Set a higher job time if the default time is not enough to build your image and your job is canceled before completing. The format is the same as for Slurm.
  • --tmp-size=<size in GB>: Set a size used for the temporary location of the Singularity container, basically the size of the extracted container.
  • --output=<file>: Path to a file used for (log) output generated while building your container.
  • Various Singularity options are passed through. E.g. --notest, --force, --update. See, e.g., singularity --help for details.

For advanced users, it is also possible to manually request a job with a VM (srun -p power9 --cloud=kvm ...) and then use this script to build a Singularity container from within the job. In this case, the --arch and other Slurm related parameters are not required. The advantage of using this script is that it automates the waiting for the VM and mounting of host directories into it (can also be done with startInVM) and creates a temporary directory usable with Singularity inside the VM controlled by the --tmp-size parameter.


Read here if you have problems like "File not found".

As the build starts in a VM, you may not have access to all your files. It is usually bad practice to refer to local files from inside a definition file anyway as this reduces reproducibility. However, common directories are available by default. For others, care must be taken. In short:

  • /home/$USER, /data/horse/$USER are available and should be used /data/horse/<group> also works for all groups the users is in
  • /projects/<group> similar, but is read-only! So don't use this to store your generated container directly, but rather move it here afterwards
  • /tmp is the VM local temporary directory. All files put here will be lost!

If the current directory is inside (or equal to) one of the above (except /tmp), then relative paths for container and definition work as the script changes to the VM equivalent of the current directory. Otherwise, you need to use absolute paths. Using ~ in place of $HOME does work too.

Under the hood, the filesystem of ZIH systems is mounted via SSHFS at /host_data. So if you need any other files, they can be found there.

There is also a new SSH key named kvm which is created by the scripts and authorized inside the VM to allow for password-less access to SSHFS. This is stored at ~/.ssh/kvm and regenerated if it does not exist. It is also added to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Note that removing the key file does not remove it from authorized_keys, so remove it manually if you need to. It can be easily identified by the comment on the key. However, removing this key is NOT recommended, as it needs to be re-generated on every script run.

Start a Job in a VM

Especially when developing a Singularity definition file, it might be useful to get a shell directly on a VM. To do so on the Power9 architecture, simply run:

startInVM --arch=power9

To do so on the x86-architecture, run:

startInVM --arch=x86

This will execute an srun command with the --cloud=kvm parameter, wait till the VM is ready, mount all folders (just like buildSingularityImage, see the Filesystem section above) and come back with a bash inside the VM. Inside that you are root, so you can directly execute singularity build commands.

As usual, more options can be shown by running startInVM --help, the most important one being --time.

There are two special use cases for this script:

  1. Execute an arbitrary command inside the VM instead of getting a bash by appending the command to the script. Example: startInVM --arch=power9 singularity build ~/myContainer.sif ~/
  2. Use the script in a job manually allocated via srun/sbatch. This will work the same as when running outside a job but will not start a new job. This is useful for using it inside batch scripts, when you already have an allocation or need special arguments for the job system. Again, you can run an arbitrary command by passing it to the script.