This page provides tools and utilities that make your life on ZIH systems more comfortable.
Best Practices¶
Terminal multiplexers are particularly well-suited for aiding you as a computer scientist in your daily trade. We generally favor tmux as it's newer than certain others and allows for better customization.
As there is already plenty of documentation on how to use tmux, we won't repeat that here. But instead, we would like to point you to those documents:
Basic Usage¶
Tmux is a terminal multiplexer. It lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal, detach them (they keep running in the background), and reattach them to a different terminal.
The huge advantage is, that as long as your tmux session is running, you can connect to it and your settings (e.g., loaded modules, current working directory, ...) are in place. This is beneficial when working within an unstable network with connection losses (e.g., traveling by the train in Germany), but also speed-ups your workflow in the daily routine.
marie@compute$ tmux new-session -s marie_is_testing -d
marie@compute$ tmux attach -t marie_is_testing
echo "hello world"
ls -l
Ctrl+b & d
If you want to jump out of your tmux session, hold the Control key and press 'b'. After that, release both keys and press 'd'. With the first key combination, you address tmux itself, whereas 'd' is the tmux command to "detach" yourself from it. The tmux session will stay alive and running. You can jump into it any time later by just using the aforementioned "tmux attach" command again.
Using a More Recent Version¶
More recent versions of tmux are available via the module system. Using the well know module commands, you can query all available versions, load and unload certain versions from your environment, e.g.,
marie@login$ module load tmux/3.2a
Error: Protocol Version Mismatch¶
When trying to connect to tmux, you might encounter the following error message:
marie@compute$ tmux a -t juhu
protocol version mismatch (client 7, server 8)
To solve this issue, make sure that the tmux version you invoke
is the same as the tmux server that is running.
In particular, you can determine your client's version with the command tmux -V
Try to load the appropriate tmux version to match with your
client's tmux server like this:
marie@compute$ tmux -V
tmux 1.8
marie@compute$ module load tmux/3.2a
Module tmux/3.2a-GCCcore-11.2.0 and 5 dependencies loaded.
marie@compute$ tmux -V
tmux 3.2a
When your client's version is newer than the server version, the aforementioned approach won't help you. In that case, you need to unload the loaded tmux module to downgrade the client to the client version that is supplied with the operating system (which should have a lower version number).
Using Tmux on Compute Nodes¶
At times it might be quite handy to have tmux sessions running inside your computation jobs, such that you perform your computations within an interactive tmux session. For this purpose, the following shorthand is to be placed inside the job file:
#SBATCH [...]
module load tmux/3.2a
tmux new-session -s marie_is_computing -d
sleep 1;
tmux wait-for CHANNEL_NAME_MARIE
srun [...]
You can then connect to the tmux session like this:
marie@login$ ssh -t "$(squeue --me --noheader --format="%N" 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1)" \
"source /etc/profile.d/10_modules.sh; module load tmux/3.2a; tmux attach"
Where Is My Tmux Session?¶
Please note that, as there are thousands of compute nodes available, there are also multiple login nodes. Thus, try checking the other login nodes as well:
marie@login3$ tmux ls
failed to connect to server
marie@login3$ ssh login4 tmux ls
marie_is_testing: 1 windows (created Tue Mar 29 19:06:26 2022) [105x32]
Architecture Information (lstopo)¶
The page HPC Resource Overview holds a general and fast
overview about the available HPC resources at ZIH.
Sometime a closer look and deeper understanding of a particular architecture is needed. This is
where the tool lstopo
comes into play.
The tool lstopo displays the topology of a system in a variety of output formats.
and lstopo-no-graphics
are available from the hwloc
modules, e.g.
marie@login$ module load hwloc/2.5.0-GCCcore-11.2.0
marie@login$ lstopo
The topology map is displayed in a graphical window if the DISPLAY
environment variable is set.
Otherwise, a text summary is displayed. The displayed topology levels and granularity can be
controlled using the various options of lstopo
. Please refer to the corresponding man page and
help message (lstopo --help
It is also possible to run this command using a job file to retrieve the topology of a compute nodes.
#SBATCH --job-name=topo_node
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=300m
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
#SBATCH --output=get_topo.out
#SBATCH --error=get_topo.err
module purge
module load hwloc/2.5.0-GCCcore-11.2.0
srun lstopo
Working with Large Archives and Compressed Files¶
Parallel Gzip Decompression¶
There is a plethora of gzip
tools but none of them can fully utilize multiple cores.
The fastest single-core decoder is igzip
from the
Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library.
In tests, it can reach ~500 MB/s compared to ~200 MB/s for the system-default gzip
If you have very large files and need to decompress them even faster, you can use
Currently, it can reach ~1.5 GB/s using a 12-core processor in the above-mentioned tests.
rapidgzip is available on PyPI and can be installed via pip. It is recommended to install it inside a Python virtual environment.
marie@compute$ pip install rapidgzip
It can also be installed from its C++ source code. If you prefer that over the version on PyPI, then you can build it like this:
marie@compute$ git clone https://github.com/mxmlnkn/rapidgzip.git
marie@compute$ cd rapidgzip
marie@compute$ mkdir build
marie@compute$ cd build
marie@compute$ cmake ..
marie@compute$ cmake --build . rapidgzip
marie@compute$ src/tools/rapidgzip --help
The built binary can then be used directly or copied inside a folder that is available in your
environment variable.
Rapidgzip can be used like this:
marie@compute$ rapidgzip -d <file_to_decompress>
For example, if you want to decompress a file called data.gz
, use:
marie@compute$ rapidgzip -d data.gz
Furthermore, you can use it to speed up extraction of a file my-archive.tar.gz
like this:
marie@compute$ tar --use-compress-program=rapidgzip -xf my-archive.tar.gz
Rapidgzip is still in development, so if it crashes or if it is slower than the system gzip
please open an issue on GitHub.
Direct Archive Access Without Extraction Using Ratarmount¶
In some cases of archives with millions of small files, it might not be feasible to extract the
whole archive to a filesystem.
The known archivemount
tool has performance problems with such archives even if they are simply
uncompressed TAR files.
Furthermore, with archivemount
the archive would have to be reanalyzed whenever a new job is started.
is an alternative that solves these performance issues.
The archive will be analyzed and then can be accessed via a FUSE mountpoint showing the internal
folder hierarchy.
Access to files is consistently fast no matter the archive size while archivemount
might take
minutes per file access.
Furthermore, the analysis results of the archive will be stored in a sidecar file alongside the
archive or in your home directory if the archive is in a non-writable location.
Subsequent mounts instantly load that sidecar file instead of reanalyzing the archive.
You will find further information on the Ratarmount GitHub page.
Example Workflow¶
The software Ratarmount is installed system-wide on the HPC system.
The first step is to create a tar archive to bundle your small files in a single file.
# On your local machine
marie@local$ tar cf dataset.tar folder_containing_my_small_files
# If your small files are already on the HPC system
marie@login$ dttar cf dataset.tar folder_containing_my_small_files
For the latter, please make sure that you are on a Datamover node and not on a login node. Depending on the number of files, the tar bundle process may take some time.
We do not recommend to compress (e.g. Gzip) the archive, as this can decrease the read performance substantially e.g. for images, audio and video files.
Once the tar archive has been created, you can mount it on the compute node using `ratarmount'. All files in the mount points can be accessed as normal files or directories in the filesystem without any special treatment. Note that the tar archive must be mounted on every compute node in your job.
Mounting an archive for the first time can take some time because Ratarmount has to create an index of its contents to access it efficiently.
The index, named .<name_of_the_archive>.index.sqlite
, will be placed
in the same directory as the archive if the directory is writable,
otherwise ratarmount will try to place the index in your home directory.
This indexing step could be done in a separate job to save resources.
It also prevents conflicting indexing by more than one process at the same time.
# create index
sbatch --ntasks=1 --mem=10G --time=5:00:00 ratarmount dataset.tar
Example job script using Ratarmount
#SBATCH --ntasks=3
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
# mount the dataset on every node one time
srun --ntasks-per-node=1 mkdir ${DATASET}
srun --ntasks-per-node=1 ratarmount dataset.tar ${DATASET}
# now it can be accessed like a normal directory
srun --ntasks=1 ls ${DATASET}
# start the application
srun ./my_application --input-directory ${DATASET}
# unmount it after all work is done
srun --ntasks-per-node=1 ratarmount -u ${DATASET}
If you are starting many processes per node, Ratarmount could benefit from having individual mount points for each process, rather than just one per node.
In case of Ratarmount issues please open an issue on GitHub.
There also is a library interface called ratarmountcore that works fully without FUSE, which might make access to files from Python even faster.